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Least developed regions

Official least developed regions of Slovakia are districts Lučenec, Poltár, Revúca, Rimavská Sobota, Veľký Krtíš (until 2020), Kežmarok, Sabinov, Svidník, Vranov nad Topľou, Rožňava, Sobrance and Trebišov (counties number 606,607, 608, 609,610, 703,708, 712,713, 808,809, 811). In 2017 counties Gelnica, Bardejov and Medzilaborce became LDR. In year 2018 counties Košice-okolie, Levoča and Snina (čísla okresov 801, 701, 705 a 806, 704, 709), Stropkov and Michalovce (711,807). In 2020, district Veľký Krtíš ceased to be LDR. In 2022 okres Stará Ľubovňa (710) started to be. In 2024, Snina stopped to be LDR.

least developed regions of Slovakia least-developed-regions-slovakia-iz

01.05.2022 (link) : 3R region – 3R year 2025, unemployment rate 13 %, long-term unemployment rate 8.0 % . . .

13.03.2022 (link) : Unemployment structure in the Visegrad region – When comparing regional structure of unemployment, we can observe high correlation of unemployment rate with the share of long term unemployed from unemployed and share of low educated from unemployed . . .

01.01.2018 (link) : Unemployment of Czechia and Slovakia – Unemployment of Czechia and Slovakia in counties. comparisson . . .

07.11.2016 (link) : Least developed regions – Least developed regions in Slovakia . . .

19.03.2009 (link) : Region lower Zemplín – lower Zemplín year 2025, unemployment rate 7.9 %, long-term unemployment rate 4.4 % . . .

19.03.2008 (link) : Region Juhoslovenská kotlina – Juhoslovenská kotlina year 2025, unemployment rate 10.7 %, long-term unemployment rate 6.1 % . . .

ikona Least developed regions

Least developed regions

Least developed regions in Slovakia.. . .