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Young unemployed not taking part in education
Throughout Europe, there is obvious growth of young people who are classified as NEET (Not in education, employment or training), young people who do not attend any education, do not work or do not participate in training. This indicator isn't popular as unemployment itself, even if it may has the same or even worse consequences for social exclusion. Statistics show more than one in eight young people aged from 15 to 24 years is not studying or working. In this case own role has economic and financial crisis from previous years, which makes more difficult access for young people, who had no ambitions in further education, apply to the labor market.
Defined by Eurostat, the concept NEET includes all inactive young people and therefore better shows a group of people who do not participate in any training and do not work and thus represent a greater risk of employment and social exclusion. In 2010, the NEET rate in the EU27 stood at 12.8%, this means that more than one in eight young people aged 15 to 24 years do not study or work. The worst among the EU countries is Bulgaria, where the rate is up to 21.8 % and in Turkey 32.3 %. The lowest rate have Netherlands 4.4 % Norway 4.9 % and 5.1 % Luxembourg. Slovakia has the 19th position with NEET rate at 14.1 %, slightly above average.
Compared to 2008, when the crisis was at an early stage, the rate was lower by 2 % and Slovakia were different from the average by only 0.2 %. Again, Netherlands had the lowest NEET rate of 3.4 %, Bulgaria had the highest 17.4 %. Looking at the evolution of rate from 2000 to 2010, the value fluctuated only slightly around the average and the order of countries with the highest and lowest value was more or less the same.
Do not want to work
There are youth groups that, despite the fact that they are in NEET group, they do not want to work at all. Consists of 3.6 %, as the EU average. This average increase countries such as Ireland and Bulgaria, where the values are 7 and over 9 %. In Slovakia, 3.2 % of young people don't want to work or to study, but we can talk about a significant decline by the year 2002, this group comprised only 11.3 %. The specialty is Norway, when in 2000 the degree of lack of interest consisted of 20 % and by 2010 it dropped to 1.4 %.
Want to work
By contrast the second group are young people who would like to work regardless of whether they are looking for job or not. The average of EU27 is up to 9.1 %. The smallest group consists of young people in Netherlands, only 2.7 %, and most expressed their interest in Spain, where the value is 14.6 %. Slovakia occupied the sixth place with rate 10.8 %. In this group Bulgaria is special, in 2001 had a 22.2 % working interest, but in 2008 it was only 8.2 % of young people.

Education and labour market
Slovakia suffers from weak connections between education and labour market, which results in high unemployment of graduates and young people.. . .