- About us»
- Net income calculator»
- Population aging»
- Least developed regions»
- Average wage
- Material need benefits
- Meal allowance
- Counties of Slovakia
- Inflation
- Living and Subsistence Minimum
- Unemployment of Czechia and Slovakia
- NACE Classification
- Life expectancy
- Gender differences
- Youth unemployment and NEET
- Minimum wage in EU
- Unemployment rates of different age groups
- Share of salaries on GDP
- Unemployment rate
- Percentage of employees ususally working at nights
- Employment rate
- Long term unemployment
- Bratislava and surroundings
- Kopanice
- Danube river
- lower Vah river
- middle Vár river
- upper Nitra river
- lower Nitra river
- Mining cities
- Kysuce a Orava
- upper Vah river - Liptov
- Spiš cities
- upper Hron river
- Juhoslovenská kotlina
- Košice fold and Torysa river
- upper Zemplín
- lower Zemplín
- EU regions
- NUTS3 regions of Slovakia
- LAU1 dataset
- Projects and activities
- Inclusive growth»
- Good work
- Project SKRS
- Social system – reality and vision
- Education of unemployed
- Young unemployed not taking part in education
- Proposal to change the system of education funding
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Project SKRS
We realize project Step by step – Skalica, Kežmarok, Rimavská Sobota – SKRS, whose main goal is to bring inactive people back to labour market.
- from: OPĽZ-DOP-2021/8.1.1/RO-03 Krok za krokom from European Social Fund Operational Programme Ľudské zdroje 8. REACT-EU
- project number: 312081BVI7
- duration: 1. 4. 2022 – 30. 11. 2023
- place of realization: Slovakia, mainly districts Skalica, Kežmarok and Rimavská Sobota
- project is successfully finished

Projekt KROK ZA KROKOM – Skalica, Kežmarok a Rimavská Sobota (SKRS) sa realizuje vďaka podpore Európskeho sociálneho fondu a Európskeho fondu regionálneho rozvoja v rámci Operačného programu Ľudské zdroje a Ministerstva práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny Slovenskej republiky

Project SKRS
We realized project Step by step – Skalica, Kežmarok, Rimavská Sobota – SKRS, whose main goal is to bring inactive people back to labour market.. . .