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Material need benefits

Current material need benefits:

Type of benefitvalue
Activation bonus88.40 €
Activation bonus when employed-
Material need benefit for single person86.50 €
MNB for single person with children164.50 €
MNB for two people150.30 €
MNB for two people with children224.90 €
MNB for single person with more than 4 children240.20 €
MNB for couple with more than 4 children303.20 €
MNB for pregnant woman19 €
Children in elementary school benefit24.20 €

Development of material need benefits in Slovakia in Slovak crown and in Euro.

Development of material need benefits in Slovakia  kalkulacka/development-material
Valid fromMaterial need benefit for single personHousing benefit
estimate, 2025-07-0186.50 €97 €
2025-01-0186.50 €97 €
2023-10-0184.90 €95.20 €

Suggested citation: PÁLENÍK, M.: Dávkový, daňový a odvodový systém na Slovensku, Inštitút zamestnanosti, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2023, ISBN: 978-80-223-5755-5, doi:10.5281/​zenodo.10403110.

logo projektuTento článok je súčasťou projektu Politiky zamestnanosti realizovaného Inštitútom zamestnanosti. Tento projekt je podporený z Európskeho sociálneho fondu v rámci OP EVS.

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