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ikona Book on net income calculator

Book on net income calculator

Book on net income calculator describing various aspects of tax, contributions and benefits system in Slovakia.. . .

ikona 30 graphs on ageing

30 graphs on ageing

30 graphs on ageing of population, doctors and nurses in Slovakia.. . .

ikona Inclusive growth

Inclusive growth

IZ Bratislava support inclusive participation of all into the growth of the economy, as is defined in Europa 2020 strategy. . . .

ikona Roma


Information and publications on work integration of Roma people.. . .

ikona Good work

Good work

Working man's dignity should be the basic determinant of the labor regulation. Experience of the Slovak labor market suggests that gradually creates a significant contrast between the declared and actual. In practice, because of occurrence of various malformations leading to avoidance or deliberate use of imperfections employment legislation.. . .

ikona Data on municipalities

Data on municipalities

We are preparing a dataset on municipalities, LAU2 regions in V4 region.. . .

ikona Project SKRS

Project SKRS

We realized project Step by step – Skalica, Kežmarok, Rimavská Sobota – SKRS, whose main goal is to bring inactive people back to labour market.. . .

ikona EU indicators

EU indicators

In this part we bring the overview of basic EU indicators. As the first we bring the basic labour market data.. . .

ikona Ecosoc

European Economic and Social Committee

The European Economic and Social Committee (ecosoc, EESC) is a consultative body of the European Union. Committed to European integration, the EESC contributes to strengthening the democratic legitimacy and effectiveness of the European Union by enabling civil society organisations from the Member States to express their views at European level. . . .

ikona Regions of the Slovak Republic

Regions of the Slovak Republic

Due to the need of analysis we have created regions of Slovakia. We will bring more information about these regions from the macroeconomic point of view as well as from the point of view of the labour market.. . .

ikona EU regions

Regions of the European Union

Basic data about NUTS region of the European Union.. . .

ikona LAU1 dataset

Local Administrative Units data of Visegrad countries

Statistical data on LAU1 regions of Slovakia, Czechia, Poland, Hungary. This LAU1 panel data dataset on 733 regions contains data on population, age structure of inhabitants, on number and structure of unemployed and is regularly updated.. . .

ikona Social system – reality and vision

Social system – reality and vision

The objective of this activity is to give full picture of social system in Slovakia. The main goal is to start scientific discussion on the foundations, goeal and activities of social system which should be the base for legislation.. . .

ikona Flexicurity


Employment Institute makes active promotion flexicurity model. On the IZ Bratislava web site we describe its basic features.. . .

ikona Net income calculator

Net income calculator

Online calculator, that calculates net income of a household in material need in case one of the members gets a standard employment. It calculates minimal wage, stipendiums, material needs benefits and all cash and services received from general government. Slovak version only.. . .

ikona Population aging

Population aging

Population aging in Slovakia.. . .

ikona Regularly updated

Regularly updated

On our webpage, we have several data which are regularly updated. These include data on unemployment or legislation.. . .

ikona IZ offers

Employment Institute offers

Employment Institute offers analyses and forecasts of labour market.. . .

ikona Education and labour market

Education and labour market

Slovakia suffers from weak connections between education and labour market, which results in high unemployment of graduates and young people.. . .

ikona Conferences

IZ Bratislava conferences

IZ Bratislava organizes series of conferences on the theme of active labour market policies focused on particular issues.. . .

ikona Library


Employment Institute is running a library for all interested subjects.. . .
