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NUTS3 regions of Slovakia

NUTS3 regions of Slovakia akt/nuts3-slovakia

abbrnamedetailed description
BABratislava RegionRegion Bratislava and surroundings
TTTrnava Region
TNTrenčín Region
NRNitra Region
ZAŽilina region
BBBanská Bystrica RegionBanská Bystrica Region
POPrešov Region
KEKošice Region

01.06.2024 (link) : Vacancies – Vacancies in Slovakia and beveridge curve in Slovak Republic . . .

15.05.2022 (link) : Banská Bystrica Region – Banská Bystrica Region year 2024, unemployment rate 10.8 %, long-term unemployment rate 6.2 % . . .

13.03.2022 (link) : NUTS3 regions of Slovakia – NUTS3 regions of Slovakia with up to date data . . .

10.02.2021 (link) : Age structure of doctors in regions – The number of doctors in age group of 40 to 60 years is very low in all regions of Slovakia . . .

09.02.2021 (link) : Age structure of nurses in regions – Age structure of nurses in regions shows that negative demographic situation of nurses is in all regions of Slovakia . . .

02.05.2020 (link) : GDP per capita in PPS of EU average NUTS 3 – year 2022 – GDP per capita in PPS of EU average NUTS 3 for year 2022 . . .

03.09.2019 (link) : Old-age dependency ratio NUTS 3 – year 2024 – Old-age dependency ratio NUTS 3 for year 2024 . . .

19.03.2008 (link) : Region Bratislava and surroundings – Bratislava and surroundings year 2024, unemployment rate 2.7 %, long-term unemployment rate 0.5 % . . .
