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Age development of midwives

Age development of midwives in Slovakia.
rok | less than 29 years | 30 – 39y | 40 – 49y | 50 – 59y | 60y+ | total |
2003 | 92 | 453 | 573 | 335 | 3 | 1456 |
2004 | 145 | 485 | 620 | 460 | 29 | 1739 |
2005 | 149 | 432 | 608 | 499 | 31 | 1719 |
2006 | 142 | 321 | 588 | 476 | 25 | 1552 |
2007 | 150 | 338 | 626 | 497 | 48 | 1659 |
2013 | 217 | 220 | 610 | 564 | 164 | 1775 |
2014 | 227 | 252 | 570 | 571 | 175 | 1795 |
2015 | 220 | 261 | 518 | 591 | 170 | 1760 |
2016 | 249 | 281 | 492 | 618 | 194 | 1834 |
2017 | 235 | 262 | 431 | 611 | 197 | 1736 |
2018 | 238 | 264 | 406 | 605 | 229 | 1742 |
2019 | 220 | 260 | 408 | 597 | 247 | 1732 |
2020 | 230 | 280 | 394 | 613 | 256 | 1773 |
2021 | 230 | 272 | 351 | 628 | 247 | 1728 |
2022 | 215 | 277 | 320 | 637 | 275 | 1724 |
2023 | 232 | 310 | 312 | 619 | 309 | 1782 |
Mean | 199 | 310 | 489 | 558 | 162 | 1719 |
Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: 30 graphs on ageing - Age development of midwives, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/30-graphs-on-ageing/age-development-of-midwives, doi:10.5281/zenodo.6079128
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