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Data on municipalities

We are preparing a dataset on municipalities, LAU2 regions, in V4 region. Overall, we cover 5609 regions which are described by 324.517 observations (panel data rows) and more than 12.298.476 data points.

unemployment share in V4 akt/lau2-unemployment-share-v4

Combined latest dataset

  • columns: period, lau, name, local​_lau, registered​_unemployed, registered​_unemployed​_females, disponible​_unemployed, low​_educated, long​_term, unemployment​_inflow, unemployment​_outflow, below​_25, over​_55, pop​_period, TOTAL, Y15-64, Y15-64-females, osm​_id, wikidata, local​_lau​_int, local​_lau​_text, lau1, population​_density, area​_square​_km, way
  • Slovakia – SK: 2926 LAU1 regions, data for 2025-01-01, 64.355 data,
  • Czech Republic – CZ: 206 LAU1 regions, data for 2024-12-01, 3.090 data,
  • Poland – PL: 2477 LAU1 regions, data for 2 periods (2023-12-01, 2024-12-01), 39.632 data,
  • 107.077 data in total.
column/​number of observationsdescriptionSKCZPL
periodperiod (month and year) the data is for29262062477
lauLAU code of the region29262062477
namename of the region in local language29262062477
local​_lauregion's code used by local labour offices29262062477
registered​_unemployednumber of unemployed registered at labour offices29262062477
registered​_unemployed​_femalesnumber of unemployed women29262062477
disponible​_unemployedunemployed able to accept job offer29102060
low​_educatedunmployed without secondary school (ISCED 0 and 1)292600
long​_termunemployed for longer than 1 year292600
unemployment​_inflowinflow into unemployment292600
unemployment​_outflowoutflow from unemployment292600
below​_25number of unemployed below 25 years of age292602477
over​_55unemployed older than 55 years292600
pop​_perioddate of population data29262062477
TOTALtotal population29262062477
Y15-64number of people between 15 and 64 years of age, population in economically active age29262062477
Y15-64-femalesnumber of women between 15 and 64 years of age29262062477
osm​_idrelation id in OpenStreetMap database29262062477
wikidatawikidata identification code292502477
local​_lau​_intregion's code used by local labour offices29262062477
local​_lau​_textregion's code used by local labour offices29262062477
lau1LAU1 region of this LAU2 region29262062477
population​_densitypopulation density29262062477
area​_square​_kmarea of the region in square kilometres29262062477
waygeometry, polygon of given region29262062477

Unemployment dataset

  • columns: period, lau, name, local​_lau, registered​_unemployed, registered​_unemployed​_females, disponible​_unemployed, low​_educated, long​_term, unemployment​_inflow, unemployment​_outflow, below​_25, over​_55
  • Slovakia – SK: 2928 LAU1 regions, data for 72 periods (2019-01-01 ... 2025-01-01), 1.966.909 data,
  • Czech Republic – CZ: 206 LAU1 regions, data for 130 periods (2014-03-01 ... 2024-12-01), 103.824 data,
  • Poland – PL: 2477 LAU1 regions, data for 36 periods (2003-12-01 ... 2024-12-01), 276.124 data,
  • 2.346.857 data in total.
column/​number of observationsdescriptionSKCZPL
periodperiod (month and year) the data is for210 78526 78087 065
lauLAU code of the region210 78526 78087 065
namename of the region in local language210 78526 78087 065
local​_lauregion's code used by local labour offices210 78526 78087 065
registered​_unemployednumber of unemployed registered at labour offices210 78526 78068 004
registered​_unemployed​_femalesnumber of unemployed women210 78523 48453 063
disponible​_unemployedunemployed able to accept job offer69 84426 7800
low​_educatedunmployed without secondary school (ISCED 0 and 1)210 78500
long​_termunemployed for longer than 1 year210 78500
unemployment​_inflowinflow into unemployment210 78500
unemployment​_outflowoutflow from unemployment210 78500
below​_25number of unemployed below 25 years of age210 785067 992
over​_55unemployed older than 55 years210 78500

Population dataset

  • columns: period, lau, name, gender, TOTAL, Y00-04, Y05-09, Y10-14, Y15-19, Y20-24, Y25-29, Y30-34, Y35-39, Y40-44, Y45-49, Y50-54, Y55-59, Y60-64, Y65-69, Y70-74, Y75-79, Y80-84, Y85-89, Y90-94, Y​_GE95, Y15-64
  • Slovakia – SK: 2926 LAU1 regions, data for 28 periods (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023), 5.646.615 data,
  • Czech Republic – CZ: 206 LAU1 regions, data for 24 periods (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023), 341.136 data,
  • Poland – PL: 2477 LAU1 regions, data for 29 periods (1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023), 3.963.868 data,
  • 9.951.619 data in total.
column/​number of observationsdescriptionSKCZPL
periodperiod (month and year) the data is for245 50514 832207 882
lauLAU code of the region245 50514 832207 882
namename of the region in local language245 50514 832207 882
gendergender (male or female)245 50514 832207 882
TOTALtotal population245 50514 832205 405
Y00-04number of people between 0 to 4 years inclusive245 50514 832205 405
Y05-09number of inhabitants younger than 9 and older than 5 years245 50514 832205 405
Y10-14number of people between 10 to 14 years inclusive245 50514 832205 405
Y15-19number of inhabitants younger than 19 and older than 15 years245 50514 832205 405
Y20-24number of people between 20 to 24 years inclusive245 50514 832205 405
Y25-29number of inhabitants between 25 to 29 years of age245 50514 832205 405
Y30-34number of people between 30 to 34 years inclusive245 50514 832205 405
Y35-39number of inhabitants between 35 to 39 years of age245 50514 832205 405
Y40-44number of people between 40 to 44 years inclusive245 50514 832205 405
Y45-49number of inhabitants younger than 49 and older than 45 years245 50514 832205 405
Y50-54number of people between 50 to 54 years inclusive245 50514 832205 405
Y55-59number of inhabitants between 55 to 59 years of age245 50514 832205 405
Y60-64inhabitants between 60 to 64 years inclusive245 50514 832205 405
Y65-69number of inhabitants between 65 to 69 years of age245 50514 832205 405
Y70-74number of people between 70 to 74 years inclusive245 50514 832156 502
Y75-79number of inhabitants younger than 79 and older than 75 years245 50514 832156 502
Y80-84number of people between 80 to 84 years inclusive245 50514 832156 502
Y85-89number of inhabitants younger than 89 and older than 85 years245 50514 8320
Y90-94number of people between 90 to 94 years inclusive245 50514 8320
Y​_GE95number of people 95 years or older245 50514 8320
Y15-64number of people between 15 and 64 years of age, population in economically active age245 50514 832205 405

ikona Data on municipalities

Data on municipalities

We are preparing a dataset on municipalities, LAU2 regions in V4 region.. . .

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