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Project PhD2
IZ Bratislava is taking place in project PhD2: Personal and Human Development, Psychodrama to help Disadvantaged. Project was started in 2009.
Project partners are:
- Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca (lead partner)
- Health Psychology Management Org. Services (HP-MOS, United kingdom)
- Fundación Comunidad Valenciana – Region europea (Spain)
- Roma Community Centre (Lithuania)
- Mancomunitat de la Ribera Alta (Span)
- IZ Bratislava
- The Department of National Minorities (Lithuania)
- Education Center and Social Support for People with Disabilities (Greece)
A book called Diversity is a story to be told. Manual of psychodrama and videotherapy was published as a part of PHD2 project. It is available at IZ Bratislava and at other partner's libraries. More about publication is available at www.phd2.eu.

Other links
- national report on art therapy .pdf
- video from first meeting
- video from public theatre
- final international video
- phd2 phd2 rome slovakia presentation (pdf)
- phd2 phd2 newsletter 5 (pdf)
- phd2 vilnius slovakia presentation (pdf)
- phd2 phd2 Methodological manual (pdf)
- phd2 phd2 newsletter 4 (pdf)
- phd2 phd2 newsletter 3 (pdf)
- phd2 phd2 newsletter 2 (pdf)
- phd2 phd2 newsletter 1 (pdf)
- phd2 phd2 art therapy national report (pdf)
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