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EQUAL Project

Employment Institute is focused on the implementation of the EQUAL project : "Methods of identification and forecasting of possible directions of development of employment and unemployment, and analysis of possible ways for handling these trends with a goal of more effective active labour market policies."

Partners of our project are Institute of Economic Research (Slovak academy of sciences), Labour offices in Bratislava and Lučenec. In a multinational co-operation the project is in Cema-net.org.

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Project objectives

First project objective

– creating regional forecasts about labour market for pilot regions. These forecasts will be based on research of Institute of Slovak and World Economy and will be completed with information from regions in cooperation with Labour Offices.

Second project objective

– creating manual and expert system for effective selection of activities of active labour market policy and ways of preferring it before less active methods.

Third project objective

– supporting the development of Employment Institute, which will process and update the manual and expert system. It will also obtain other necessary data for creating updated manuals with the help of regional colleagues in their network. Employment institute will continue in its work in creating regional forecasts and manuals also for other regions after project closure.

The manual is the expert system, which will enable to search for suitable active labour market policies (re-training).

Expert system contains this particular elements:

  • atoms (contains basic knowledge units, which create courses and at the same time interpret education of job applicants), pseudocourses (they are instrumental to conect easily interactions and atoms), characteristics (external symbols of job applicant, for example: age, education, experience, etc.)
  • courses (collection of atoms), supplier (courses), classification of courses
  • kzam (employment classification of Slovak republic)
  • interaction (availability description of particular courses, we know: basic, detailed)
  • people (Labour offices clients, characterised by atoms and characteristics)
  • results (describes optimal atom/course for job applicant)
  • tips and tricks (things, which can't integrate)
  • users (databases of expert system users)


  • presentation of our project


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Cema-net.org, Expert system