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North Albania – AL01

EU regions: Albania > Albania > North Albania

map of North Albania AL01
Gross domestic product
GDP per capita in PPS of EU average202125
Social exclusion
people at risk of poverty or social exclusion202044.8

More on wikipedia wikidata Q4412051 on OpenStreetMap North Albania slovensky: AL01

Subregions: Dibër, Durrës, Kukës, Lezhë, Shkodër


number of inhabitants2023771 020
population density202274
old-age dependency ratio202325.1

population pyramid of AL01 North Albania

From Wikipedia: Brandenburg-Southwest is a NUTS-2 Region of Germany, encompassing the southwestern portion of the state of Brandenburg.

Other: Albania, Central Albania, Southern Albania, North Albania

Neighbours: Montenegro, Central Albania, North Macedonia

Subregions: Dibër, Durrës, Kukës, Lezhë, Shkodër

Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: Europe and its regions in numbers - North Albania – AL01, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/​PAL01, ISBN: 978-80-970204-9-1, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10200164
