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Bodenseekreis – DE147

EU regions: Germany > Baden-Württemberg > Tübingen Government Region > Bodenseekreis

map of Bodenseekreis DE147
Gross domestic product
GDP per capita in PPS of EU average2022133

More on wikipedia wikidata Q8228 on OpenStreetMap Bodenseekreis slovensky: DE147


number of inhabitants2024221 208
population density2023494.2
old-age dependency ratio202438.6

population pyramid of DE147 Bodenseekreis

From Wikipedia: Bodenseekreis ("Lake Constance district") is a Landkreis (district) in the south-east of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Neighboring districts are (from west, clockwise) Konstanz, Sigmaringen and Ravensburg, and in Bavaria, Lindau district. To the south, on the opposite shores of Lake Constance, lies Switzerland.


The district was created in 1973, when the previous district Tettnang was merged with most of the district Überlingen.


The district is located at the northern shore of Lake Constance (German: Bodensee), which also gives the district its name. The landscape covered by the district is called Oberschwäbisches Hügelland and Westallgäuer Hügelland, and as the name suggests it is mostly hilly landscape.


The district has a partnership with the Muldentalkreis in Saxony, Germany, as well as with the Polish district Częstochowa.

Other: Tübingen Government Region, Zollernalbkreis, Alb-Donau-Kreis, Biberach district, Bodenseekreis, Landkreis Ravensburg, Ulm, Reutlingen, Tübingen, Landkreis Sigmaringen

Neighbours: Landkreis Ravensburg, Konstanz, Landkreis Sigmaringen, Thurgau, canton St. Gallen, Lindau, Rheintal-Bodenseegebiet

Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: Europe and its regions in numbers - Bodenseekreis – DE147, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/​PDE147, ISBN: 978-80-970204-9-1, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10200164
