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Aichach-Friedberg – DE275

EU regions: Germany > Bavaria > Swabia > Aichach-Friedberg

map of Aichach-Friedberg DE275
Gross domestic product
GDP per capita in PPS of EU average202284

More on wikipedia wikidata Q10415 on OpenStreetMap Aichach-Friedberg slovensky: DE275


number of inhabitants2024136 430
population density2023174.5
old-age dependency ratio202433

population pyramid of DE275 Aichach-Friedberg

From Wikipedia: Aichach-Friedberg is a Landkreis (district) in Bavaria, Germany. It is bounded by (from the northwest and clockwise) the districts of Augsburg, Donau-Ries, Neuburg-Schrobenhausen, Pfaffenhofen, Dachau, Fürstenfeldbruck and Landsberg, as well as by the city of Augsburg.


Aichach-Friedberg was settled by Bavarian tribes from the seventh century on. The region is sometimes called the cradle of Bavaria, since the castle of Wittelsbach was located close to the present city of Aichach. It was the ancestral castle of the Wittelsbach family, who were rulers of Bavaria for thousand years. The castle was razed to the ground in 1208, and today there is nothing else left than a memorial stone at the place.

The town of Friedberg was founded in the 13th century in order to collect a toll from people using the bridge across the Lech River. Aichach became a town about hundred years later. In 1862 the two districts of Aichach and Friedberg were founded. They were merged in 1972 and became part of the administrative region of Swabia.

Other: Swabia, Memmingen, Dillingen, Günzburg, Neu-Ulm, Augsburg, Unterallgäu, Lindau, Ostallgäu, Independent City Kaufbeuren, Kempten, Oberallgäu, Aichach-Friedberg, Augsburg, Donau-Ries

Neighbours: Dachau, Fürstenfeldbruck, Landsberg am Lech, Augsburg, Pfaffenhofen, Neuburg-Schrobenhausen, Augsburg, Donau-Ries

Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: Europe and its regions in numbers - Aichach-Friedberg – DE275, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/​PDE275, ISBN: 978-80-970204-9-1, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10200164
