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Rheinhessen-Pfalz – DEB3

EU regions: Germany > Rhineland-Palatinate > Rheinhessen-Pfalz

map of Rheinhessen-Pfalz DEB3
Life long learning
life long learning participation20239.3
Part time jobs and flexible employment
percentage of part time workers202330.97
percentage of part time workers, men202311.64
percentage of part time workers, women202353.25
Gender differences
gender gap in employment rate202390.66
gender gap in unemployment rate202361.36
Graduates and young people
unemployment rate of youth with elementary education201713.8
Gross domestic product
GDP per capita in PPS of EU average2023108
employment rate202376.6
Social exclusion
people at risk of poverty or social exclusion201916.5

More on wikipedia wikidata Q517363 on OpenStreetMap Rheinhessen-Pfalz slovensky: DEB3

Subregions: Frankenthal, Kaiserslautern, Landau in der Pfalz, Ludwigshafen, Mainz, Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Pirmasens, Speyer, Worms, Zweibrücken, Alzey-Worms district, Bad Dürkheim, Donnersbergkreis, Germersheim, Kaiserslautern, Kusel, Südliche Weinstraße, Rhein-Pfalz, Mainz-Bingen district, Südwestpfalz


unemployment rate20233.7
youth unemployment rate20196.4
Long term unemployment
long term unemployment20221.3
share of long term unemployed202236.8


population pyramid of DEB3 Rheinhessen-Pfalz in 1996
number of inhabitants20242 070 896
population density2023304.1
old-age dependency ratio202435.4

population pyramid of DEB3 Rheinhessen-Pfalz

Employment by sectors, Rheinhessen-Pfalz

NACE r2%NACE r2%

Data for the period year 2023. Source of the data is Eurostat, table [lfst_r_lfe2en2].

Employment by sectors, Rheinhessen-Pfalz, 2023

From Wikipedia: Rheinhessen-Pfalz (rarely anglicized as „Rhine-Hesse-Palatinate") was one of the three Regierungsbezirke of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, located in the south of the state. It was created in 1968 out of Regierungsbezirke Rheinhessen and Pfalz, which had themselves been created out of the left-bank territories of Bavaria and Hesse-Darmstadt before World War II.

Since 2000, the employees and assets of the Bezirksregierungen form the Aufsichts- und Dienstleistungsdirektion Trier (Supervisory and Service Directorate Trier) and the Struktur- und Genehmigungsdirektionen (Structural and Approval Directorates) Nord in Koblenz and Süd in Neustadt (Weinstraße). These administrations execute their authority over the whole state, e.g. the ADD Trier oversees all schools.

Other: Rhineland-Palatinate, Rheinhessen-Pfalz, Koblenz Government Region, Trier Government Region

Neighbours: Lorraine, Vertonne, Koblenz Government Region, Karlsruhe Government Region, Saarland, Darmstadt Government Region

Subregions: Frankenthal, Kaiserslautern, Landau in der Pfalz, Ludwigshafen, Mainz, Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Pirmasens, Speyer, Worms, Zweibrücken, Alzey-Worms district, Bad Dürkheim, Donnersbergkreis, Germersheim, Kaiserslautern, Kusel, Südliche Weinstraße, Rhein-Pfalz, Mainz-Bingen district, Südwestpfalz

Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: Europe and its regions in numbers - Rheinhessen-Pfalz – DEB3, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/​PDEB3, ISBN: 978-80-970204-9-1, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10200164
