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Άνδρος, Θήρα, Κέα, Μήλος, Μύκονος, Νάξος, Πάρος, Σύρος, Τήνος – EL422

EU regions: Greece > Aegean Islands and Crete > South Aegean Region > Άνδρος, Θήρα, Κέα, Μήλος, Μύκονος, Νάξος, Πάρος, Σύρος, Τήνος

map of Άνδρος, Θήρα, Κέα, Μήλος, Μύκονος, Νάξος, Πάρος, Σύρος, Τήνος EL422
Gross domestic product
GDP per capita in PPS of EU average202279

Άνδρος, Θήρα, Κέα, Μήλος, Μύκονος, Νάξος, Πάρος, Σύρος, Τήνος slovensky: EL422


number of inhabitants2024118 058
population density202346.4
old-age dependency ratio202435.2

population pyramid of EL422 Άνδρος, Θήρα, Κέα, Μήλος, Μύκονος, Νάξος, Πάρος, Σύρος, Τήνος

Other: South Aegean Region, Κάλυμνος, Κάρπαθος, Κως, Ρόδος, Άνδρος, Θήρα, Κέα, Μήλος, Μύκονος, Νάξος, Πάρος, Σύρος, Τήνος

Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: Europe and its regions in numbers - Άνδρος, Θήρα, Κέα, Μήλος, Μύκονος, Νάξος, Πάρος, Σύρος, Τήνος – EL422, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/​PEL422, ISBN: 978-80-970204-9-1, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10200164
