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Finland – FI

EU regions: Finland

map of Finland FI
Labour market policy
public expenditure on labour market policies as % of GDP20212.332
public expenditure on active labour market policies20210.69
Life long learning
life long learning participation202326.1
Precarious work
percentage of employees ususally working on Sunday202313.5
percentage of employees ususally working at nights20236.4
Part time jobs and flexible employment
working hours on full time job2024q338
percentage of workers usually working from home202322.2
percentage of part time workers2024q314.46
percentage of part time workers, men2024q310.17
percentage of part time workers, women2024q319
Minimum and average wage
annual net earnings of a full-time single worker without children earning an average wage in PPS202328 933
Gender differences
gender pay gap202316.8
employment of mothers of more than 3 children202361.7
healthy life expectancy of men vs. women202297.74
gender gap in employment rate2024q397.7
gender gap in unemployment rate202382.05
Graduates and young people
unemployment rate of youth with elementary education2024q320.7
unemployment rate of youth with secondary education2024q38.8
unemployment rate of youth with tertiary education2024q118.3
Gross domestic product
GDP per capita in PPS of EU average2023105
Payable interest of public debt as % od GDP20231.2
employment rate2024q373.1
Social exclusion
people at risk of poverty or social exclusion202016

More on wikipedia wikidata Q33 on OpenStreetMap Finland slovensky: FI

Subregions: Mainland Finland, Åland



unemployment rate20237.3
youth unemployment rate2024q313.2
unemployment rate of low educated people2024q318.1
Long term unemployment
long term unemployment20231.6
share of long term unemployed2024q322.2

Composition of population according to age group, education and economic activity, Finland

Age groupLow educationMiddle educationHigh education
Y20-29P: 79.0
E: 35.4; U: 9.1; I: 34.5
P: 420.8
E: 286.5; U: 33.9; I: 100.4
P: 136.5
E: 115.8; U: 7.4; I: 13.3
Y30-39P: 75.5
E: 43.2; U: 5.6; I: 26.7
P: 338.0
E: 274.1; U: 21.0; I: 42.9
P: 326.6
E: 295.6; U: 9.5; I: 21.5
Y40-49P: 67.9
E: 39.9; U: 6.4; I: 21.6
P: 298.1
E: 249.8; U: 15.5; I: 32.8
P: 336.0
E: 312.5; U: 8.7; I: 14.8
Y50-59P: 83.2
E: 54.1; U: 5.9; I: 23.2
P: 307.8
E: 248.1; U: 15.5; I: 44.2
P: 292.0
E: 260.2; U: 11.9; I: 19.9
Y60-69P: 127.6
E: 34.1; U: 5.0; I: 88.5
P: 327.4
E: 134.9; U: 11.6; I: 180.9
P: 249.5
E: 120.9; U: 8.5; I: 120.1

Note: in thousands in 2023, according to labour force sample survey. P – total population, E – employed, U – unemployed, I – number of economically inactive


population pyramid of FI Finland in 1996
number of inhabitants20245 603 851
population density202218.3
old-age dependency ratio202437.8
Population ageing
unemployment rate – over 55 years2024q38.5
aggregate replacement ratio20230.52
aggregate replacement ratio – females20230.51
life expectancy of a 50 year old202232.8
healty life expectancy at 50 years202217.5

population pyramid of FI Finland

Employment by sectors, Finland

NACE r2%NACE r2%

Data for the period year 2023. Source of the data is Eurostat, table [lfst_r_lfe2en2].

Employment by sectors, Finland, 2023

From Wikipedia:

Finland (Finnish: Suomi [suo̯mi] (listen); Swedish: Finland [ˈfɪnland] (listen)), officially the Republic of Finland (Finnish: Suomen tasavalta, Swedish: Republiken Finland (listen to all)), is a Nordic country in Northern Europe bordering the Baltic Sea, Gulf of Bothnia, and Gulf of Finland, between Norway to the north, Sweden to the northwest, and Russia to the east. The capital and largest city is Helsinki. Other major cities are Espoo, Vantaa, Tampere, Oulu and Turku.

Finland's population is 5.52 million (as of half of 2019), the majority of whom live in the central and south of the country and speak Finnish, a Finnic language from the Uralic language family, unrelated to the Scandinavian languages. Finland is the eighth-largest country in Europe and the most sparsely populated country in the European Union. It is a parliamentary republic of 311 municipalities, and one autonomous region, the Åland Islands. Over 1.4 million people live in the Greater Helsinki metropolitan area, which produces one third of the country's GDP.

Finland was inhabited when the last ice age ended, approximately 9000 BCE. Comb Ceramic culture introduced pottery 5200 BCE and Corded Ware culture coincided with the start of agriculture between 3000 and 2500 BCE. The Bronze Age and Iron Age were characterised by extensive contacts with other cultures in the Fennoscandian and Baltic regions. At the time Finland had three main cultural areas – Southwest Finland, Tavastia and Karelia. From the late 13th century, Finland gradually became an integral part of Sweden through the Northern Crusades and the Swedish part-colonisation of coastal Finland, a legacy reflected in the prevalence of the Swedish language and its official status. In 1809, Finland was incorporated into the Russian Empire as the autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland.

Other: Finland, France

Neighbours: Sweden, Norway

Subregions: Mainland Finland, Åland

Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: Europe and its regions in numbers - Finland – FI, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/​PFI, ISBN: 978-80-970204-9-1, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10200164
