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Molise – ITF2

EU regions: Italy > South Italy > Molise

map of Molise ITF2
Life long learning
life long learning participation202311.3
Part time jobs and flexible employment
percentage of part time workers202319.61
percentage of part time workers, men202310.64
percentage of part time workers, women202332.93
Gender differences
gender gap in employment rate202369.15
gender gap in unemployment rate2023127.91
Graduates and young people
Gross domestic product
GDP per capita in PPS of EU average202373
employment rate202356.9
Social exclusion
people at risk of poverty or social exclusion202038.3

More on wikipedia wikidata Q1443 on OpenStreetMap Molise slovensky: ITF2

Subregions: province of Isernia, province of Campobasso


unemployment rate20239.8
youth unemployment rate202230.8
Long term unemployment
long term unemployment20235.9
share of long term unemployed202361.2


population pyramid of ITF2 Molise in 1996
number of inhabitants2024289 224
population density202265.6
old-age dependency ratio202442.8

population pyramid of ITF2 Molise

Employment by sectors, Molise

NACE r2%NACE r2%

Data for the period year 2023. Source of the data is Eurostat, table [lfst_r_lfe2en2].

Employment by sectors, Molise, 2023

From Wikipedia: Molise (UK: , US: , Italian: [moˈliːze]; Molisano: Mulise) is a region of Southern Italy. Until 1963, it formed part of the region of Abruzzi e Molise, alongside the region of Abruzzo. The split, which did not become effective until 1970, makes Molise the youngest region in Italy. Covering 4,438 square kilometres (1,714 sq mi), it is the second smallest region in the country after the Aosta Valley, and has a population of 313,348 (as of 1 January 2015).

The region is split into two provinces, named after their respective capitals Campobasso and Isernia. Campobasso also serves as the regional capital.


Molise is bordered by Abruzzo to the north, Apulia to the east, Lazio to the west, and Campania to the south. It has 35 kilometres (22 miles) of sandy coastline to the northeast, lying on the Adriatic Sea looking out towards the Tremiti islands.

The countryside of Molise is mostly mountainous, with 55 % covered by mountains and most of the rest by hills that go down to the sea.

Main sights and monuments


  • Castello Monforte
  • Terzano Tower
  • Campobasso Cathedral (Santissima Trinità)
  • Church of Sant'Antonio
  • Church of San Bartolomeo
  • Church of San Giorgio
  • Savoia Theater
  • San Giorgio Palace (Head of municipality)
  • Provincial Museum of „Sanniti"


  • Isernia Cathedral (San Pietro)
  • Fountain Fraterna
  • Monumental complex and museum of Santa Maria delle Monache Abbey
  • Sanctuary of Santi Cosma e Damiano
  • Archeological site Isernia La Pineta
  • Museum of Paleolithic in the site of La Pineta


  • Cathedral of San Basso from Lucera
  • Medieval castle of Frederick II
  • Sinarca Tower
  • Rinascimental Gallery Museum

Province of Campobasso

  • Trivento Cathedral
  • Church of Santa Maria Maggiore (Guglionesi)
  • Santuario di Santa Maria del Canneto (Roccavivara)
  • Caldora Castle (Carpinone)
  • Castle Anjou (Civitacampomarano)
  • Longobard Castle (Tufara)
  • Bojano Cathedral (San Bartolomeo)
  • Medieval fortress Civita Superiore (Bojano)
  • Angioina Tower (Colletorto)
  • Larino Cathedral
  • Archeological site and Roman theater of Larinum (Larino)
  • Archeological site and museum of Altilia (Sepino)
  • Italic sanctuary of San Pietro dei Cantoni (Sepino)
  • Megalithic wall of Saipins (Terravecchia zone – Sepino)
  • Church of Santa Maria della Strada (Matrice)
  • Guardialfiera old town
  • Capua castle (Gambatesa)

Province of Isernia

  • Abbey of San Vincenzo al Volturno (Castel San Vincenzo)
  • Marinelli Bells Factory and Museum (Agnone)
  • Theatre and Italic temple in the archeological site of Pietrabbondante
  • Parish church and belfry of Saint Silvestro (Bagnoli del Trigno)
  • Bagnoli del Trigno (The pearl of Molise)
  • Rupestrian church of Pietracupa
  • Church of Sant'Antonio Abate (Pietracupa)
  • Capracotta
  • Neogothic basilica of Santa Maria Addolorata (Castelpetroso)
  • Venafro Cathedral
  • Castle Pandone (Venafro)
  • Castle Pandone (Cerro al Volturno)
  • Abbey of Santa Maria del Carmelo (Roccavivara)
  • Pescolanciano Castle
  • Colli al Volturno


Agriculture, involving small and micro holdings, is currently offering high-quality products.

Other: South Italy, Calabria, Basilicata, Molise, Apulia, Campania, Abruzzo

Neighbours: Lazio, Apulia, Campania, Abruzzo

Subregions: province of Isernia, province of Campobasso

Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: Europe and its regions in numbers - Molise – ITF2, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/​PITF2, ISBN: 978-80-970204-9-1, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10200164
