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Latgale Region – LV005

EU regions: Latvia > Latvia > Latvia > Latgale Region

map of Latgale Region LV005
Gross domestic product
GDP per capita in PPS of EU average202235

More on wikipedia wikidata Q16361110 Latgale Region slovensky: LV005


number of inhabitants2024241 067
population density202317.6
old-age dependency ratio202437.6

population pyramid of LV005 Latgale Region

From Wikipedia:

Latgale (Latgalian: Latgola; Russian: Латгалия; Latin: Lettgallia) is one of the four historical and cultural regions of Latvia recognised in the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia. It is the easternmost region north of the Daugava River. While most of Latvia is historically Lutheran, Latgale is pred­ominantly Roman Catholic: 65.3 % according to a 2011 survey. There is also a strong Eastern Orthodox minority (23.8 %), of which 13.8 % are Russian Orthodox Christians and 10.0 % are Old Believers.

The region has a large population of ethnic Russians, especially in Daugavpils, the largest city in the region and the location of the region's only public university, the University of Daugavpils. Many of the Russians who lived in Latgale before Soviet rule are Old Believers. Rēzekne, often called the heart of Latgale, Krāslava, and Ludza are other large towns in the region, which also has a Belarusian minority. There is also a significant Polish minority. As part of the Polotsk and Vitebsk guberniyas, the region was part of the Pale of Settlement and had a very large Jewish population – but most of the Jews were murdered in the Holocaust and much of the remainder has emigrated. Different from other regions of Latvia, the presence of Baltic Germans was only sizable in Daugavpils. The region has a lower average wage than the other regions of Latvia.

Other: Latvia, Zemgale Region, Kurzeme Region, Pierīga statistical region, Riga, Latgale Region, Vidzeme Region

Neighbours: Zemgale Region, Vidzeme Region, Utena County, Panevėžys County

Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: Europe and its regions in numbers - Latgale Region – LV005, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/​PLV005, ISBN: 978-80-970204-9-1, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10200164
