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Conference: Effective tools of active labour market policies during the crisis

Employment institute will have a presentation on conference Effective tools of active labour market policies during the crisis which is organized by the Labour Market Observatory of the European Economic and Social Committee. It will take place in Brussels on 5th of March 2013.

In the presentation we will focus on situation of long term unemployed in Slovak economy, which is European highest, in the negative sense. The specifics of Slovak economy and labour market call for unusual approaches, which we illustrate on previous unsuccessful tools and possible successful one.

ikona Inclusive growth

Inclusive growth

IZ Bratislava support inclusive participation of all into the growth of the economy, as is defined in Europa 2020 strategy. . . .

ikona Ecosoc

European Economic and Social Committee

The European Economic and Social Committee (ecosoc, EESC) is a consultative body of the European Union. Committed to European integration, the EESC contributes to strengthening the democratic legitimacy and effectiveness of the European Union by enabling civil society organisations from the Member States to express their views at European level. . . .