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Regional unemployment - inclusive market
Slovakia is on the top in the chart of long-term unemployment in the area of EU countries, the rate and impacts of it are different in particular regions. Measures realized are effective only in regions with lower unemployment, in problematic regions they appear only in the form of waste of money.
With the increasing number of long-term unemployed accounted to the total number of economically active living less and less economically active more and more long-term unemployed. Districts like Rimavská Sobota, Revúca Rožňava consist of more than 30 % of long-term unemployed to the total number of economically active, in districts Kežmarok and Trebišov is situation very similar. More than 25 % of long-term unemployed to the economically active lives in Poltár, Medzilaborce, Vranov nad Topl'ou and Sabinov, and less than 25 % but more than 20 % of long-term unemployed live in ten other cities. Based on the above it is clear that in areas with below-average results of monitoring indicators lives disproportionate number of citizens, who also occupy a large part of the territory – the current situation is very far from inclusive.
Whereas in Rimavská Sobota and Revúca the total number of economically active consist almost 39 % of long-term unemployed, in Rožňava it has „only" 32 % and Kežmarok and Trebišov consistently over 29 %. The above shows that in the two regions where the situation is worst, the situation is actually much worse than in the regions located in the rankings immediately before them. For these, as well as other problematic regions are every currently measures too short and is inevitably change the system settings.
From the regional perspective, Bratislava region is on different level then e. g. Banská Bystrica or Prešov region. Larger cities and their surrounding is positively inclined not only the development of the labor market, but also economic development, as evidenced in the area of Považie. The best value in relation to the long-term unemployed are traditionally in Bratislava region. In Trnava region are problematic districts Senica (1 to 9) and the Dunajská Streda (1 to 10), other districts reached ratio 1 to 15 or better. In Trenčín region lagging only Partizánske (1 to 8), other districts have a ratio of 1 to 9 or better. In Žilina region are at the tail Bytča, Liptovský Mikuláš and Turčianske Teplice (both 1 to 8), the remaining districts are better just slightly. In Nitra region lagging districts Komárno (1 to 5), Levice (1 to 6) and Nové Zámky (1 to 7), the other have ratio of 1 to 9 or better.
Disparities illustrates the fact that in Banská Bystrica, Košice and Prešov regions is simpler calculation districts that are at worst Trnava and Trenčín district. These are districts Banská Bystrica, Zvolen and Žiar nad Hronom. Other more than thirty districts are significantly weaker than those of the most vulnerable districts of Trnava and Trenčín region, the ratio of long-term unemployed to working in them is 1 to 6 or worse.
In some districts, the ratio of long-term unemployed is only one to two or worse. These are districts Revúca, Rimavská Sobota, Kežmarok, Rožňava and Trebišov. In these districts live together 360,000 people, representing 6.6 % of the population of the Slovak Republic and represents 10 % part of the country.
The ratio one to three achieve districts Lučenec, Poltár, Medzilaborce, Sabinov, Vranov nad Topľou and Sobrance. Together with previous districts is a 630,000 population, almost 12 % of the population of the Slovak Republic and 18 % part of the country. If this ratio increases to one to four, there will be districts of Bardejov, Snina, Stropkov, Svidník, Gelnica, Košice-surrounds and Michalovce. In these districts live-fifth of the Slovak population (1.12 million people), which represents 32 % of the country.
Only when we watching the ratio one to five, we see the first district outside the worst three counties – Komárno. Without the four good district (Banská Bystrica, Zvolen, Žiar nad Hronom, Košice) of these regions lacking only a districts Poprad and Stará Ľubovňa. Banská Štiavnica and Detva have this ratio just above the threshold (1 to 5.8). Overall, in districts where at one long-term unemployed account for 5 or fewer workers are 31 % of the population (1.7 million people), which occupy 43 % of the area. Half of the SR area ratio is long-term unemployed workers to 6.6 or less, and half the population lives in regions with a ratio of one to 9.7 or less.
The solution of regional disparities offers a concept of inclusive market, realization of which can be employed 50 000 long-term unemployed.

Inclusive growth
IZ Bratislava support inclusive participation of all into the growth of the economy, as is defined in Europa 2020 strategy. . . .