qr kod na stranku

Basic data on Slovak regions

namenumber of inhabitantsnumber of unemployednumber of people receiving social benefitsunemployment ratelong-term unemployment rate
Bratislava and surroundings732 75712 45171952.60.6
Kopanice130 9093418122841.1
Danube river411 685976154943.61.0
lower Vah river333 193574025882.60.5
middle Vah river527 62710 16331902.90.7
upper Nitra river276 885716023673.91.2
lower Nitra river335 335688253183.10.8
Mining cities83 813295615525.42.1
Kysuce a Orava258 641656417723.81.2
upper Vah river – Liptov236 687631733614.11.3
Spiš cities393 81718 43824 6537.23.5
upper Hron river261 636737454054.31.7
Juhoslovenská kotlina306 05822 53224 85311.16.3
Košice fold and Torysa river593 28221 68922 1035.62.7
upper Zemplín309 00218 57514 68194.6
lower Zemplín233 36013 45412 9598.74.9
SR5 424 687173 472138 7184.92.0

data from 2023.

unemployment in Slovakia akt/reg-iz-unemployment
namenumber of inhabitantsdemographic dependencyassignation taxnumber of employed foreignersvacancies
Bratislava and surroundings732 75735.9453 553 28937 48630 431
Kopanice130 90931.762 267 76517072987
Danube river411 68532.1178 972 12868854506
lower Vah river333 19333.1153 364 30211 9718913
middle Vah river527 62732.0261 258 71196307709
upper Nitra river276 88533.5128 723 90427392566
lower Nitra river335 33532.5153 459 410900210 341
Mining cities83 81332.540 675 156490616
Kysuce a Orava258 64124.0132 162 68226772213
upper Vah river – Liptov236 68733.0122 664 10315241466
Spiš cities393 81724.5204 761 57214271245
upper Hron river261 63633.6132 255 64519321428
Juhoslovenská kotlina306 05828.8138 649 0602247861
Košice fold and Torysa river593 28228.2179 018 03948822076
upper Zemplín309 00226.9146 027 08610501162
lower Zemplín233 36026.9101 128 91911141086
SR5 424 68730.72 588 941 77196 76179 605

data from 2023.

Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: Regions of Slovakia - Basic data on Slovak regions, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/​en/projects/regions-of-slovakia/basic-data

logo projektuTento článok je súčasťou projektu Politiky zamestnanosti realizovaného Inštitútom zamestnanosti. Tento projekt je podporený z Európskeho sociálneho fondu v rámci OP EVS.

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