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Information and publications on work integration of Roma people.

Mušinka: The things that worked osf cost of non inclusion

30.10.2013 (link) : Acceptance of the proposal in the area of measures to integrate Roma – Based on the proposal of the Employment Institute president RNDr. Viliam Páleník, PhD., h. doc. was in the „Proposal for a Council Recommendation on effective measures for Roma integration in the EU Member States” trained-in the needs of innovative employment and the creation of a sufficient number of temporary jobs appropriate for segregated communities . . .

07.06.2013 (link) : Roma – Information and publications on work integration of Roma people . . .

27.10.2009 (link) : OSF publication: costs of non inclusion – Open society fund published publication: Costs of non inclusion of roma people . . .

ikona Roma


Information and publications on work integration of Roma people.. . .

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