- About us»
- Net income calculator»
- Population aging»
- Least developed regions»
- Average wage
- Material need benefits
- Meal allowance
- Counties of Slovakia
- Inflation
- Living and Subsistence Minimum
- Unemployment of Czechia and Slovakia
- NACE Classification
- Life expectancy
- Gender differences
- Youth unemployment and NEET
- Minimum wage in EU
- Unemployment rates of different age groups
- Share of salaries on GDP
- Unemployment rate
- Percentage of employees ususally working at nights
- Employment rate
- Long term unemployment
- Bratislava and surroundings
- Kopanice
- Danube river
- lower Vah river
- middle Vár river
- upper Nitra river
- lower Nitra river
- Mining cities
- Kysuce a Orava
- upper Vah river - Liptov
- Spiš cities
- upper Hron river
- Juhoslovenská kotlina
- Košice fold and Torysa river
- upper Zemplín
- lower Zemplín
- EU regions
- NUTS3 regions of Slovakia
- LAU1 dataset
- Projects and activities
- Inclusive growth»
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- Project SKRS
- Social system – reality and vision
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- Education of unemployed
- Young unemployed not taking part in education
- Proposal to change the system of education funding
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Project The Public Policies of Employment
Employment Institute is realizing the project The Public Policies of Employment.
- The name of project: The Public Policies of Employment
- Program: Active Citizenship and Inclusion, Program supporting a non-governmental organizations in Financial Mechanism of an European Economic Area
- Administrator: Ekopolis, requisition: AOI- AO-01
- Project number: AO-1-08
- Length: 7/12/2013 – 12/31/2014
- Activities: the need to create a large number of work places, the need to reform social benefits system, activities in the area of the labor market active policies
Project news
01.10.2014 (link) : Conference 10 years of employment policy – We are organizing conference 10 years of employment policy, which will take place on the 1st of december 2014 in Bratislava . . .
03.09.2014 (link) : Conference november 2014 – On the 6th of November 2014, IZ Bratislava is co-organizing conference Inclusive solidarity – analysis and potential effects . . .
22.04.2014 (link) : Conference Labour market in programs of political parties in elections to European parlament 2014 – Employment Institute on the 29th April 2014 in Nitra (Slovakia) organized conference Labour market in programs of political parties in elections to European parlament 2014 . . .
06.03.2014 (link) : Social system – reality and vision – The objective of this activity is to give full picture of social system in Slovakia. The main goal is to start scientific discussion on the foundations, goeal and activities of social system which should be the base for legislation . . .
23.10.2013 (link) : Press Conference, Tornaľa – Employment Institute invites you to the press conference on 25. 10. 2013 at 4 p. m. in Tornaľa where we introduce conclusions from the conference „Long-term unemployment in region's hands" . . .
03.10.2013 (link) : Workshop The Impact of Inclusive Market on Public Finances – Employment Institute invites you on a workshop „The Impact of Inclusive Market on Public Finances" on 9th October 2013, at 02:00 p.m. in Employment Institute . . .
21.09.2013 (link) : Conference: Long-term unemployment in region's hands – Employment Institute organized conference „Long-term unemployment in region's hands“, where candidates on the head of particular regions introduced their proposals how to solve long-term unemployment in Slovak regions . . .
10.09.2013 (link) : Workshop The Demographic Aspect of Long-term Unemployment – We invite you for a workshop „The demographic aspect of long-term unemployment" on 13th September 2013 at 2 p. m. in residence of Employment Institute . . .
21.08.2013 (link) : Workshop Educational aspect of long-term unemployment – We invite you for a workshop „Educational aspect of long-term unemployment" on 26th August 2013 at 2 p. m. in residence of Employment Institute . . .
01.08.2013 (link) : Voluntary work – Don't you agree with the system of creation work places, social benefits or labor market active policies? Employment institute offers to you a possibility to participate on a project The Public Policies of Employment . . .
23.07.2013 (link) : Project The Public Policies of Employment – Employment Institute is realizing the project The Public Policies of Employment . . .
Project documents
- Conference 10 years of employment policy
- Conference november 2014
- Conference Labour market in programs of political parties in elections to European parlament 2014
- Conference: Long-term unemployment in region's hands
- Press Conference, Tornaľa
- Workshop The Impact of Inclusive Market on Public Finances
- Workshop The Demographic Aspect of Long-term Unemployment
- Workshop Educational aspect of long-term unemployment
- Voluntary work
- Project The Public Policies of Employment
- Labour economics seminar
- Social system – reality and vision

Project The Public Policies of Employment
Employment Institute is realizing the project The Public Policies of Employment.. . .