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Statistics - Work on agreement
According to Labor Code actual from 1.1. 2012, employers can for fulfill their tasks or provide their needs use an agreements with a personal entity. The number of people working on an agreement is changing every month, but almost every year grows mainly in June and November. Number of working on agreement for 12 months in 2005 increased nearly three-fold – an annual average of 11 200 people.
Since 2005, the number of working on agreement for 12 months increased almost three times – each year an average of 11 200 people. Their percentage of the number of all working on agreement increased from 4.8 % in 2005 to 12.2 % in 2011. It is caused mainly by crisis that pushed profits of employers. They try to save on costs, even at the disadvantage of employees, making the agreement work quite often abused. The employer has lower labor costs per employee, because he pays only accident insurance and surety bond in the amount of 1.05 % together.
Workers who work in the form of agreements bring this form of industry employment considerable disadvantages compared to employees on a regular basis. They are not as protected against dismissal and the employer may at any time to cancel cooperation with the employee without any severance or without notice and does not state the reason. Another disadvantage for self employed and working on an agreement is non-existent right to minimum wage and furlough, and hours of work of these employees is also not defined in the Labor Code. Such abuse of the labor force is difficult to prove, and workers often have no choice.
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