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Beveridge curve for Slovakia based on Eurostat data akt/beveridge-curve-lfs-SK

Vacancies and number of unemployed in Slovakia

regionnumber of unemployednumber of vacanciesunemployed per one vacancy in 2024-06-01
Bratislava Region12 74539 2510.3
Trnava Region10 73113 8280.8
Trenčín Region11 25789121.3
Nitra Region14 35214 7211.0
Žilina region16 16290781.8
Banská Bystrica Region27 66747485.8
Prešov Region40 481360911.2
Košice Region32 69942767.6
Beveridge curve for Slovakia based on labour office data akt/beveridge-curve-adm-SK
ikona NUTS3 regions of Slovakia

NUTS3 regions of Slovakia

NUTS3 regions of Slovakia with up to date data.. . .


Vacancies in Slovakia and beveridge curve in Slovak Republic.. . .

ikona LAU1 dataset

Local Administrative Units data of Visegrad countries

Statistical data on LAU1 regions of Slovakia, Czechia, Poland, Hungary. This LAU1 panel data dataset on 733 regions contains data on population, age structure of inhabitants, on number and structure of unemployed and is regularly updated.. . .