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CSR - Corporate social responsibility

CSR, corporate social responsibility is the term which has not the exact Slovak equivalent. It is usually translated as „sociálna zodpovednosť podnikov" or „zodpovedné podnikanie“. Briefly said, it describes doing business friendly to the society (not only to the environment).

There is lot of definitions and interpretations of CSR. All of them contain the idea of doing business with processes and results favourable to large community.

The term CSR expresses company relationships with its all participants involved: owners-investors, employees, public offices, suppliers, competitors, communities, customers, etc.

CSR consists of effective and responsible approach to investments developed for the company, relationships with employees, creativity and permanent sustainability of jobs, as well as the interest in environment.

The term CSR is not very videly publicized and used in Slovakia.

Introduction to CSR

We have developed longer introduction to the CSR problematics.

More information at CSR at cema-net.org (in english). Cema-net.org is the web site of transnational cooperation where the Employment Institute is the membre.

The conference CSR as the adaptability increase tool at the labour market held on 19 April 2007.
