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Conference 2007 - European year of equal opportunities for all - towards a responsible entrepreneurship and society

On 27 November 2007 the Employment Institute participated at the international scientific conference: 2007 – European year of equal opportunities for all – towards a responsible entrepreneurship and society, organized by the University of Economics in Bratislava in cooperation with UNDP and the Ministry of labour, social affairs and family of the SR.

The conference was held at the University of Economics in Bratislava oriented to the following issues:

1. Creation of environment for responsible entrepreneurship and society

2. Family supportive CSR policies

3. Baseline study on CSR practices in Slovakia

4. Perspectives of multistakeholder development of CSR in Slovakia

The conference was attended and also contributed by few experts for the above issues like V. Špidla, EU commissioner, who mentioned that the assistance of the company is followed by anonymous determinants. Mr. Kandráč, public defender of rights repudiates the term „fair business“, he would prefer „unfair business“. V. Tomanová, minister of labour, social affairs and family of the SR presented the positive issues of the new up to date Labour code, including the establishment of social enterprises. S. Deboos, from ILO mentioned that in Slovakia the term of CSR is exchanged by philantrophy and charity and added that up to now, the role of unions in the process of CSR was not mapped yet. N. Alhazishvili, from UNDP in Bratislava introduced few parts from Baseline study on CSR practices in Slovakia. E. Sičáková – Beblavá, president of TI Slovakia contributed by anti corruption behaviour of companies. I. Ježík, programme director of Pontis Foundation contributed by measurability and indicators of CSR. G. Dubcová, from EU v Bratislave and chairwoman of Forum for ethics development in economics – public association, presented few issues on research in the area business ethics. A. Remišová, from Comenius University in Bratislava talked about the creation of ethics codexes. Mr. Ondrejka, from Ministry of economy mentioned that the MoE is involved in the UNDP study but has no direct impact to CSR.

Good practices were introduced by representatives of Zentiva, a.s., Hlohovec; Mr Kajánek -workshop protected, Olešná; Holcim a.s.; ANASOFT APR, s.r.o. which presented different types of benefits for their employees and their families and also expressed the feeling of responsibility for the community served but it was not so close to the term o CSR within EU. The effort for widespread of CSR is done by only few transnational corporations in Slovakia.

ikona CSR

CSR - Corporate social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is the term often used in foreign countries. It is not very known in Slovakia that is why we try to explain it closely. . . .