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Switzerland – CH

EU regions: Switzerland

map of Switzerland CH
Life long learning
life long learning participation202327.4
Precarious work
percentage of employees ususally working on Sunday202318.1
percentage of employees ususally working at nights20235.5
Part time jobs and flexible employment
working hours on full time job2024q443.3
percentage of workers usually working from home20239
percentage of part time workers2024q440.97
percentage of part time workers, men2024q420.35
percentage of part time workers, women2024q463.87
Minimum and average wage
annual net earnings of a full-time single worker without children earning an average wage in PPS202347 403
Gender differences
gender pay gap202317.2
healthy life expectancy of men vs. women202294.03
gender gap in employment rate202391
gender gap in unemployment rate2024q4109.3
Graduates and young people
unemployment rate of youth with elementary education20238.8
unemployment rate of youth with secondary education2024q47.1
unemployment rate of youth with tertiary education2024q410
Gross domestic product
GDP per capita in PPS of EU average2019153
employment rate2024q480.6
Social exclusion
people at risk of poverty or social exclusion202018.1

More on wikipedia wikidata Q39 on OpenStreetMap Switzerland slovensky: CH

Subregions: SCHWEIZ/SUISSE/SVIZZERA, Lake Geneva region, Espace Mittelland, Northwestern Switzerland, Canton of Zürich, Eastern Switzerland, Central Switzerland, Ticino



unemployment rate20234.1
youth unemployment rate20237.9
unemployment rate of low educated people2024q47.8
Long term unemployment
long term unemployment20231.3
share of long term unemployed202331.7

Composition of population according to age group, education and economic activity, Switzerland

Age groupLow educationMiddle educationHigh education
Y20-29P: 96.2
E: 62.3; U: 7.5; I: 26.4
P: 576.9
E: 456.9; U: 26.5; I: 93.5
P: 332.3
E: 283.9; U: 14.3; I: 34.1
Y30-39P: 141.2
E: 98.0; U: 10.4; I: 32.8
P: 432.1
E: 379.3; U: 14.1; I: 38.7
P: 681.2
E: 627.6; U: 17.6; I: 36.0
Y40-49P: 169.9
E: 126.3; U: 8.8; I: 34.8
P: 449.1
E: 395.0; U: 11.8; I: 42.3
P: 583.4
E: 528.6; U: 17.8; I: 37.0
Y50-59P: 206.1
E: 144.8; U: 10.1; I: 51.2
P: 554.3
E: 470.8; U: 11.8; I: 71.7
P: 509.8
E: 459.9; U: 13.9; I: 36.0
Y60-69P: 183.5
E: 65.2; U: 4.8; I: 113.5
P: 500.2
E: 221.5; U: 6.4; I: 272.3
P: 329.9
E: 186.5; U: 5.3; I: 138.1

Note: in thousands in 2023, according to labour force sample survey. P – total population, E – employed, U – unemployed, I – number of economically inactive


population pyramid of CH Switzerland in 1996
number of inhabitants20248 962 258
population density2023223
old-age dependency ratio202429.4
Population ageing
unemployment rate – over 55 years2024q43.3
aggregate replacement ratio20230.48
aggregate replacement ratio – females20230.5
life expectancy of a 50 year old202234.9
healty life expectancy at 50 years202219.6

population pyramid of CH Switzerland

Employment by sectors, Switzerland

NACE r2%NACE r2%

Data for the period year 2023. Source of the data is Eurostat, table [lfst_r_lfe2en2].

Employment by sectors, Switzerland, 2023

From Wikipedia:

Switzerland, officially the Swiss Confederation, is a sovereign state situated in the confluence of western, central, and southern Europe. It is a federal republic composed of 26 cantons, with federal authorities seated in Bern. Switzerland is a landlocked country bordered by Italy to the south, France to the west, Germany to the north, and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east. It is geographically divided between the Alps, the Swiss Plateau and the Jura, spanning a total area of 41,285 km2 (15,940 sq mi), and land area of 39,997 km2 (15,443 sq mi). While the Alps occupy the greater part of the territory, the Swiss population of approximately 8.5 million is concentrated mostly on the plateau, where the largest cities are located, among them the two global cities and economic centres of Zürich and Geneva.

The establishment of the Old Swiss Confederacy dates to the late medieval period, resulting from a series of military successes against Austria and Burgundy. Swiss independence from the Holy Roman Empire was formally recognized in the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. Since the Reformation of the 16th century, Switzerland has maintained a strong policy of armed neutrality; it has not fought an international war since 1815 and did not join the United Nations until 2002. Nevertheless, it pursues an active foreign policy and is frequently involved in peace-building processes around the world. Switzerland is the birthplace of the Red Cross, one of the world's oldest and best known humanitarian organisations, and is home to numerous international organisations, including the second largest UN office.

Other: Cyprus, Switzerland, Czech Republic

Neighbours: Liechtenstein, France, Italy, Germany, Austria

Subregions: SCHWEIZ/SUISSE/SVIZZERA, Lake Geneva region, Espace Mittelland, Northwestern Switzerland, Canton of Zürich, Eastern Switzerland, Central Switzerland, Ticino

Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: Europe and its regions in numbers - Switzerland – CH, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/​PCH, ISBN: 978-80-970204-9-1, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10200164
