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Märkisch-Oderland District – DE409

EU regions: Germany > Brandenburg > Brandenburg > Märkisch-Oderland District

map of Märkisch-Oderland District DE409
Gross domestic product
GDP per capita in PPS of EU average202264

More on wikipedia wikidata Q6181 on OpenStreetMap Märkisch-Oderland District slovensky: DE409


number of inhabitants2024197 785
population density202392.7
old-age dependency ratio202442.5

population pyramid of DE409 Märkisch-Oderland District

From Wikipedia: Märkisch-Oderland is a Landkreis (district) in the eastern part of Brandenburg, Germany. Neighboring are (from the north clockwise) the district Barnim, the country Poland, the district-free city Frankfurt (Oder), the district Oder-Spree and the Bundesland Berlin. The administrative seat is Seelow but the largest town is Strausberg.


The district extends from the outskirts of Berlin in the west to the Oder river and the Polish border in the east. It includes a swampy area along the Oder known as the Oderbruch, about 60 km in length and 17 km in width. The Oderbruch was partially drained and populated in the 18th century. The rest of the district is mainly agricultural land.


The district dates back to the district Lebus and the district Oberbarnim, which were both created in 1816. The district Lebus dates back to the Land Lebus, the region around the town of Lebus. In 1863 Seelow became the seat of the administration of the district Lebus, and in 1950 the district was renamed to Kreis Seelow.

Other: Brandenburg, Cottbus, Barnim District, Dahme-Spreewald District, Elbe-Elster District, Havelland District, Oberspreewald-Lausitz District, Prignitz District, Teltow-Fläming District, Brandenburg an der Havel, Märkisch-Oderland District, Oder-Spree District, Ostprignitz-Ruppin District, Potsdam-Mittelmark District, Frankfurt (Oder), Oberhavel District, Spree-Neiße District, Potsdam, Uckermark District

Neighbours: Oder-Spree District, Szczeciński, Szczecinecko-pyrzycki, Gorzowski, Barnim District, Frankfurt (Oder), Berlin

Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: Europe and its regions in numbers - Märkisch-Oderland District – DE409, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/​PDE409, ISBN: 978-80-970204-9-1, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10200164
