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Sicily – ITG1

EU regions: Italy > Insular Italy > Sicily

map of Sicily ITG1
Life long learning
life long learning participation20237
Part time jobs and flexible employment
percentage of part time workers202317.76
percentage of part time workers, men202310.07
percentage of part time workers, women202330.97
Gender differences
gender gap in employment rate202357.44
gender gap in unemployment rate2023125
Graduates and young people
unemployment rate of youth with elementary education202345.7
Gross domestic product
GDP per capita in PPS of EU average202362
employment rate202344.9
Social exclusion
people at risk of poverty or social exclusion202044.7

More on wikipedia wikidata Q1460 on OpenStreetMap Sicily slovensky: ITG1

Subregions: Province of Trapani, Province of Palermo, Province of Messina, Province of Agrigento, Province of Caltanissetta, Province of Enna, Province of Catania, Province of Ragusa, Province of Syracuse


unemployment rate202316.1
youth unemployment rate202342
Long term unemployment
long term unemployment202310.4
share of long term unemployed202366.2


population pyramid of ITG1 Sicily in 1996
number of inhabitants20244 797 359
population density2023187
old-age dependency ratio202436.5

population pyramid of ITG1 Sicily

Employment by sectors, Sicily

NACE r2%NACE r2%

Data for the period year 2023. Source of the data is Eurostat, table [lfst_r_lfe2en2].

Employment by sectors, Sicily, 2023

From Wikipedia:

Sicily (Italian: Sicilia [siˈtʃiːlja]; Sicilian: Sicilia [sɪˈʃiːlja]) is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and one of the 20 regions of Italy. It is one of the five Italian autonomous regions, in Southern Italy along with surrounding minor islands, officially referred to as Regione Siciliana.

Sicily is located in the central Mediterranean Sea, south of the Italian Peninsula, from which it is separated by the narrow Strait of Messina. Its most prominent landmark is Mount Etna, the tallest active volcano in Europe, and one of the most active in the world, currently 3,329 m (10,922 ft) high. The island has a typical Mediterranean climate.

The earliest archaeological evidence of human activity on the island dates from as early as 12,000 BC. By around 750 BC, Sicily had three Phoenician and a dozen Greek colonies and it was later the site of the Sicilian Wars and the Punic Wars. After the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century AD, Sicily was ruled during the Early Middle Ages by the Vandals, the Ostrogoths, the Byzantine Empire, and the Emirate of Sicily. The Norman conquest of southern Italy led to the creation of the Kingdom of Sicily, which was subsequently ruled by the Hohenstaufen, the Capetian House of Anjou, Spain, and the House of Habsburg. It was unified under the House of Bourbon with the Kingdom of Naples as the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. It became part of Italy in 1860 following the Expedition of the Thousand, a revolt led by Giuseppe Garibaldi during the Italian unification, and a plebiscite.

Other: Insular Italy, Sardinia, Sicily

Subregions: Province of Trapani, Province of Palermo, Province of Messina, Province of Agrigento, Province of Caltanissetta, Province of Enna, Province of Catania, Province of Ragusa, Province of Syracuse

Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: Europe and its regions in numbers - Sicily – ITG1, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/​PITG1, ISBN: 978-80-970204-9-1, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10200164
