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Comments of the Employment Institute to the proposal of law Nr. 5/2004 laws coll.
Within the interministerial comment procedure to the proposal of law Nr. 5/2004 laws coll. – On employment services, the Employment Institute proposed its comments to the Ministry of labour, social affairs and family of the SR yesterday. Comments of the Employment Institute to this law contain current comments and radical comments to individual points of the Ministry of labour, social affairs and family of the SR law proposal and also comments out of frame of this law proposal.
We would like to stress the importance of Employment Institute radical comments concerning the problematics of Individual plan for job applicant and mainly that it is obligatory for job applicant and Labour office. Further radical comment concerns the problem of contributions to the activation works where the importance of contractual work relationship between disadvantaged job applicant and municipality should be stressed.
Comments out of frame of law are concerning mainly the widening of tradesman definition in the position of associate of cooperative, individual association or foundation. Further comment of this type is the issue of contribution provided for travelling to job and accommodation if both are out of permanent dwelling of the individual.
The proposal of law Nr. 5/2004 laws coll. – On employment services of the Ministry of labour, social affairs and family of the SR is considered as inspirative and within the conference Labour market active policy in law on employment services organised by the Employment Institute on June 15, 2007 lot of participants actively contributed to solving these issues.
- Comments to the migration for job
- Comments to activation works
- Comments to the Individual action plan
- Comments of the Employment Institute to the proposal of law Nr. 5/2004 laws coll.