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Quick estimate of GDP and employment in 2 Q 2007
On August 14th, 2007, the Statistics office of the SR published the GDP estimate in Slovakia for 2 quarter of 2007. The published estimate is developed based on Labour force survey (LFS) in Slovak Republic.
From this estimate can be seen that in 2 quarter of 2007 Slovakia has created the GDP in 449,3 bn SKK. Compared to the same period in 2006, the GDP grew by 9,2 % (in current prices by 11,3 %). Faster creation of GDP was caused by growing of value added in industrial production, mainly in production of machinery, electrical equipment and transport vehicles. On the consumption side, the growth of GDP was influenced by continued foreign demand within local demand growth.
The total employment in this period reached 2 163,8 thous. persons. Compared to the same period in 2006, the total employment increased by 2 %.
Taking into account the seasonal impacts, in 2 quarter of 2007, the GDP in 345,5 bn SKK (in current prices) was created and compared to the same period of 2006 grew by 9,7 %. The total employment, after seasonal analysis reached 2 163,2 thous. persons and increased by 1,8 % inter yearly.