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Age development of nurses

Ageing of nurses in Slovakia is faster – the number of nurses below 30 years of age has decreased by almost half. The overall number of nurses has decreased by 8 % since 2008.
rok | less than 29 years | 30 – 39y | 40 – 49y | 50 – 59y | 60y+ | total |
2003 | 8053 | 10 243 | 10 610 | 5887 | 320 | 35 113 |
2004 | 6900 | 10 310 | 10 133 | 6134 | 530 | 34 007 |
2005 | 5718 | 10 022 | 9661 | 6209 | 709 | 32 319 |
2006 | 4999 | 10 322 | 9700 | 6664 | 883 | 32 568 |
2007 | 4809 | 11 025 | 9899 | 7247 | 1060 | 34 040 |
2008 | 4460 | 10 800 | 9623 | 7665 | 1224 | 33 772 |
2009 | 3933 | 10 333 | 9376 | 7816 | 1247 | 32 705 |
2010 | 3713 | 10 052 | 9425 | 8088 | 1461 | 32 739 |
2011 | 3418 | 9667 | 9274 | 8215 | 1469 | 32 043 |
2012 | 3107 | 9079 | 9426 | 8250 | 1616 | 31 478 |
2013 | 2821 | 8600 | 9625 | 8325 | 1757 | 31 128 |
2014 | 2471 | 8102 | 10 118 | 8399 | 2076 | 31 166 |
2015 | 2227 | 7403 | 10 496 | 8495 | 2283 | 30 904 |
2016 | 2243 | 6569 | 11 101 | 8767 | 2503 | 31 183 |
2017 | 2278 | 5541 | 11 457 | 8672 | 2784 | 30 732 |
2018 | 2394 | 5042 | 11 708 | 8743 | 3174 | 31 061 |
2019 | 2430 | 4777 | 11 748 | 8779 | 3575 | 31 309 |
2020 | 2487 | 4562 | 11 699 | 9043 | 3813 | 31 604 |
2021 | 2473 | 4361 | 11 403 | 9003 | 3950 | 31 190 |
2022 | 2409 | 4157 | 10 850 | 9386 | 4108 | 30 910 |
2023 | 2456 | 4087 | 10 524 | 9845 | 4262 | 31 174 |
Mean | 3609 | 7860 | 10 374 | 8078 | 2134 | 32 055 |
Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: 30 graphs on ageing - Age development of nurses, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/30-graphs-on-ageing/age-development-of-nurses, doi:10.5281/zenodo.6079128
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