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Age structure of doctors

Age structure of doctors in years 2015 and 2021 according to gender.
age | male 2015 | female 2015 | total 2015 | male 2023 | female 2023 | total 2023 | total |
20-24 | 30 | 57 | 87 | 8 | 15 | 23 | 110 |
25-29 | 738 | 1562 | 2300 | 925 | 1842 | 2767 | 5067 |
30-34 | 943 | 1381 | 2324 | 1130 | 1701 | 2831 | 5155 |
35-39 | 822 | 1031 | 1853 | 1088 | 1798 | 2886 | 4739 |
40-44 | 1104 | 1604 | 2708 | 979 | 1505 | 2484 | 5192 |
45-49 | 939 | 1275 | 2214 | 812 | 1305 | 2117 | 4331 |
50-54 | 818 | 1033 | 1851 | 1114 | 1736 | 2850 | 4701 |
55-59 | 1038 | 1422 | 2460 | 838 | 1015 | 1853 | 4313 |
60-64 | 1401 | 1795 | 3196 | 777 | 960 | 1737 | 4933 |
65+ | 1169 | 1204 | 2373 | 1935 | 2231 | 4166 | 6539 |
Total | 9002 | 12 364 | 21 366 | 9606 | 14 108 | 23 714 | 45 080 |
Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: 30 graphs on ageing - Age structure of doctors, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/30-graphs-on-ageing/age-structure-of-doctors, doi:10.5281/zenodo.6079128