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Age structure of doctors by founder

Age structure of doctors by founder type – either public providers or privately owned providers.
age | male public providers | female public providers | total public providers | male private providers | female private providers | total private providers | total |
20-24 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 11 | 17 | 23 |
25-29 | 628 | 1201 | 1829 | 297 | 641 | 938 | 2767 |
30-34 | 640 | 943 | 1583 | 490 | 758 | 1248 | 2831 |
35-39 | 537 | 905 | 1442 | 551 | 893 | 1444 | 2886 |
40-44 | 508 | 695 | 1203 | 471 | 810 | 1281 | 2484 |
45-49 | 389 | 531 | 920 | 423 | 774 | 1197 | 2117 |
50-54 | 438 | 629 | 1067 | 676 | 1107 | 1783 | 2850 |
55-59 | 297 | 291 | 588 | 541 | 724 | 1265 | 1853 |
60-64 | 279 | 226 | 505 | 498 | 734 | 1232 | 1737 |
65+ | 643 | 434 | 1077 | 1292 | 1797 | 3089 | 4166 |
Total | 4361 | 5859 | 10 220 | 5245 | 8249 | 13 494 | 23 714 |
Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: 30 graphs on ageing - Age structure of doctors by founder, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/30-graphs-on-ageing/age-structure-of-doctors-by-founder, doi:10.5281/zenodo.6079128