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Comparison of age structure of doctors

We can observe a shift in the age structure of doctors. Number of doctors between 40 and 49 years decreased whilst number of doctors above the age of 60 increased.
vek | 2000 | 2023 | increase | increase in % |
less than 29 years | 3139 | 2790 | -349 | -11 % |
30 – 39y | 4022 | 5717 | 1695 | 42 % |
40 – 49y | 7030 | 4601 | -2429 | -35 % |
50 – 59y | 4528 | 4703 | 175 | 4 % |
60y+ | 1175 | 5903 | 4728 | 402 % |
Total | 19 894 | 23 714 | 3820 | 16 % |
Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: 30 graphs on ageing - Comparison of age structure of doctors, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/30-graphs-on-ageing/comparison-of-age-structure-of-doctors, doi:10.5281/zenodo.6079128
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